Light Transmission Events

We offer monthly healing events.

Register for the next Light Transmission or Light Energy Healing Session.



24-hour Light Transmission on 1 August 2024

This festival represents the time of the first harvest and honouring the life-giving spirit of earth.
The Light will support us with our individual process of accomplishing our inner abundance.



24-hour Light Transmission on 1 August 2024

It marks the halfway point through the dark half of the year. It is time for dedication and initiation, celebration of new beginnings and the coming of the new season. The Light will align our energy bodies to the frequency of the New Year. It will then create the preparation necessary for our plans, ideas and goals to be seeded for the current year.

You can also use the Light to transform any blockages or issues you are facing in your life at the moment.


Start: 31 July at midnight local time

End: 1 August at midnight local time


What is a Light Transmission?

Light Transmission is the opportunity for change really to become embedded in your system. Light Transmission is like a healing from a different universe, a different structure to be able to come forward and really get underneath what is going on.


The whole purpose of a Light Transmission is that it is an extra tool to deal with the things that are unseen, that we cannot just contact by our human intuition alone. The Light itself has its own consciousness and you may have a feeling about what it is that you want to look at in the Light Transmission. You may have the feeling about what you want to look at in terms of the blockages that you have. The Light is always on your side.


The Evolutionary Light is working with your Higher Self that really does know every single individual layer of problems that need resolving, patterns that you may have, being stuck or issues that we can’t get to with energy work, with other therapies etc. This is like higher level of being able to really access these things from a deep and karmic level.


Basically, you will be connected to the Light and the Light will flow for 24 hours. You can do a number of sessions during that time or you may look at one subject. With every Light Transmission you can go to even deeper layers of the same issue.


Essentially, Light transmissions open up a gateway for a very deep cleansing to happen within you. There is the unravelling and the unpicking of karmic blockages, stuck density, things that feel like they cannot be resolved.The unfolding time of each Light Transmission will be 3 - 6 weeks until the process is completely finished.


Deadline for registration

If you are interested in receiving the Light you can register by Wednesday, 31 July. Instructions will follow after registration (check your spam folder).


The Energy Exchange will be free of charge.

Here you can register for the event

2 Months Transformation

Light Energy Healing Session on Sunday, 1 September 2024 at 6pm

Deadline for registration

If you are interested in receiving the Light you can register by Saturday, 31 August. Instructions will follow after registration (check your spam folder).


The Energy Exchange will be £90.

Here you can register for the event

All Dates for 2024

14 January

Light Energy Healing Session - Here & Now 1

1 February

24 hour Light Transmission @ Imbolc

10 March

Light Energy Healing Session - Healing the Sexual Self

20 March

24 hour Light Transmission @ Spring Equinox 

29 - 1 April

4 Day Light Transmission @ Easter

1 May

24 hour Light Transmission @ Beltane

12 May

Light Energy Healing Session - Healing Peaceful Endings

20 June

24 hour Light Transmission @ Summer Solstice

7 July

Light Energy Healing Session - Healing Duality within

1 August

24 hour Light Transmission @ Lughnasadh/Lammas

1 September

Light Energy Healing Session

22 September

24 hour Light Transmission @ Autumn Equinox

1 November

24 hour Light Transmission @ Samhain

10 November

Light Energy Healing Session

21 December

24 hour Light Transmission @ Winter Solstice

24 - 26 December

3 Day Light Transmission @ Christ-Mas

26 - 6 January

12 Day Light Support @ Twelfth Night